In the New Popular Front, the choice of Huguette Bello for Matignon is not unanimous

In the New Popular Front the choice of Huguette Bello

Discussions are tense on the left to find a Prime Minister. Proposed by the communist Fabien Roussel and endorsed by the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the choice of Huguette Bello for Matignon was not validated by the Socialist Party this Saturday, July 13. The PS calls for discussions to continue. La France insoumise accuses the socialists of blocking and the ecologists, for their part, call for a ” collective time “.

3 min

The National Council of the PS did not validate on Saturday July 13 the candidacy of Reunion Islander Huguette Bello for the post of Prime Minister, and called for discussions to continue with its partners in the New Popular Front to find a consensual name, we learned from the party.

There is no consensus among us at this stage on any name. “, notes the party’s secretary general Pierre Jouvet in a statement to AFP. The PS, which is still proposing the candidacy of its first secretary Olivier Faurewishes to continue discussions with its partners, to find a consensual name ” by July 18 “, the date of the opening of the legislature, he specifies.

Following a videoconference meeting of the National Council of the PS, the party’s Parliament, ” The Socialist Party is determined to find a name that will achieve consensus to become the Prime Minister of the New Popular Front, which will be proposed to the President of the Republic “, adds Pierre Jouvet.

Olivier Faure’s candidacy “still legitimate” for the PS

The PS therefore maintains its choice of a candidacy of their first secretary Olivier Faure for Matignon, several socialist sources specified. The socialist executives considered that the candidacy of Olivier Faure ” is still legitimate “, and rejected the hypothesis of that of Huguette Bello, put forward since Wednesday evening by the Communist Party and supported by the rebels, indicated a member of the National Council.

The coordinator of La France Insoumise Manuel Bompard criticized the Socialist Party for ” block everything ” in the negotiations on the left to form a government, after the refusal to endorse the candidacy of Reunion Islander Huguette Bello for Matignon. ” Consequently, the coordination of La France insoumise is convened tomorrow [dimanche, NDLR] at 12 noon to analyze the significance of the Socialist Party’s constant blockages against any candidacy other than that of its first secretary, Olivier Faure ” wrote Manuel Bompard on X (formerly Twitter).

Read alsoNew Popular Front: what if it was Huguette Bello?

We need collective time »

Refusing to give in to “ pressure ” of the rebels, who affirm that only the socialists refuse the candidacy of Huguette Bello, the socialists claim to have had confirmation that the ecologists have not taken a position either for the Reunionese.

The entourage of Marine Tondelier, head of the environmentalists, told AFP that ” no decision has been made ” at their home. ” We need collective time ” The same source also specifies that Marine Tondelier had spoken to Huguette Bello on the phone on Friday July 12.

We stand firm in our positions, we cannot defend a scenario that we know will lead nowhere. “, a socialist executive told AFP. We have always said that consensus is needed, so we are resuming discussions. “, adds another source, indicating that the PS was keeping the possibility of proposing other names of socialist or non-partisan personalities.
