Shot the rabbits – then came the threatening letter: “Damn psychopath”

Shot the rabbits then came the threatening letter Damn



full screen The rabbits’ owner sent a picture of the dead rabbits to the county board. Photo: Private

Stellan reported her neighbor who did not give her rabbits food or water. But the county board did not have time to come.

After several alarms, Stellan found the rabbits dead on the stairs in a black garbage bag – along with a threatening letter.

– Driving licenses should be required for animals, says Stellan.

  • Stellan reported his neighbor for animal abuse as he believed that the owner mistreated the animals. But the County Administrative Board in Jönköping never had time to act on the report.
  • After several weeks of waiting, Stellan found the rabbits dead in a garbage bag on her stairs, along with a threatening letter from the neighbor.
  • Approximately 200 reports of rabbit abuse were made to Sweden’s county administrative boards last year to February this year, but are often given low priority. Stellan believes that a “driver’s license” should be required to have animals.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    Last year, the county administrations received hundreds of reports against rabbit owners. But the cases often have a low priority, Aftonbladet’s review shows. Rabbits, unlike dogs and cats, do not need to be tagged or registered, and the processing times have in several cases become long.

    Stellan’s neighbor has rabbits outside in the winter cold. He reports the neighbor to the county administration in Jönköping, and writes, among other things, that the drinking water has frozen to ice.

    When Stellan gets there with some salad he bought for the rabbits, they rush forward.

    – I just get so angry. The rabbits live in misery, says Stellan.


    full screen The animals’ drinking water froze to ice. Photo: Private

    Wrote to the owner

    Three weeks after Stellan’s report, the county administrative board sends a letter to the owner and asks her to get in touch.

    Two more weeks to go. Stellan tries to make something happen with the rabbits. He explains to the county board that he has spoken to animal associations that are ready to accept the rabbits.

    – I do not understand. I call again and again. Why doesn’t the state step in? he says.


    full screen Stella’s neighbor had rabbits outside in the winter cold. Photo: Private

    Sweden’s county administrative boards received over 200 reports about rabbits last year up to and including February this year.

    In several cases, it is about owners who do not give the rabbits what they need, such as well-equipped cages or clean water. It can also be about found and abandoned rabbits.

    But several reports and pictures show how rabbits are neglected.

    Contact via SMS

    One rabbit was found abandoned in a plastic bag in a garbage room, other rabbits were found dead in their cages. Several rabbits that have needed veterinary care have instead been kept at home by their owners.

    A month after Stellan’s report, the county administrative board has not yet been there. But now they are in contact with the owner via SMS.


    full screen The garbage bag was outside Stellan’s front door. Photo: Private

    They text the owner that the rabbits need veterinary care.

    “What will you do if I decide to shoot them?”, replies the rabbit owner.

    The County Administrative Board replies that it is okay to shoot them, if it is done in the correct way.

    A few days later, the rabbit owner writes that she has changed her mind and that she instead found someone who wants to buy the rabbits. The County Administrative Board replies that she must tell the new owners as quickly as she can that the rabbits need veterinary care.


    full screen The note that was in the garbage bag. Photo: Private

    Garbage bag – and note

    But in a new text message, she writes that the buyers are no longer interested. The next day, she sends a picture to the county administration of the rabbits that are shot, side by side on the ground. The County Administrative Board closes the case.

    But for the neighbor Stellan, it’s not over yet. The next day there is a black garbage bag on the steps outside his front door. In the garbage bag are the dead rabbits – together with a note.

    “Are you satisfied now you fucking psychopath?”.

    – I get so tired. Driving licenses should be required for animals, says Stellan.

    FACT Notification to the county board

    arrow When the county administrative board receives a report, they can carry out a check. How they check depends on how serious the complaint is. They can call the pet owner, send a letter or do an on-site check.

    arrow The County Administrative Board can take care of animals if they judge that the animal is suffering.

    arrow They can immediately dispose of animals if they judge that the defects will never be corrected or if the rabbit’s owner is unknown or unavailable.

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