What if it was Huguette Bello?

What if it was Huguette Bello

The New Popular Front is still looking for a candidate for Matignon to propose to Emmanuel Macron. A headache due to the ambitions of the different forces within the electoral alliance of left-wing parties, notably between LFI and the PS. To try to get everyone to agree, the communist Fabien Roussel mentioned a name, that of Huguette Bello. Could the president of the regional council of Réunion be the solution?

1 min

It’s a proposal that no one saw coming. Fabien Roussel put it on the table in an attempt to break the deadlock in the negotiations taking place within the New Popular Front to agree on the name of a left-wing Prime Minister, because Huguette Bello ticks a number of boxes to achieve consensus.

She is a woman, she was a member of parliament for 23 years, she now leads the region in Réunion. She is a communist, but close to LFI and Jean-Luc Mélenchonwhich she supported in the presidential election. She was also on the LFI list in the European elections.

Huguette Bello, a ” solution » ?

Almost an ideal profile, if not for his lack of national notoriety.

From the point of view of the leader of the Insoumis, who himself would have liked to have seen himself at Matignon, Huguette Bello is indeed a ” solution ” Jean-Luc Mélenchon greeted activists in Paris on Friday evening ” a racialized woman, anti-racist feminist. »

Among the Greens, the Bello hypothesis is accepted. Marine Tondelier said to herself ” sensitive ” to this proposal.

The socialists remain, who still support the candidacy of their leader, Olivier Faure, to lead a government.

Read alsoIn the headlines: a new name in the list of candidates for Matignon
