Complicated weekend for Bolsonaro supporters

Complicated weekend for Bolsonaro supporters

The former Brazilian president, who is the subject of several investigations, is at the heart of a scandal involving alleged spying on politicians, judges and journalists. On Thursday, July 11, five arrest warrants were issued, targeting police officers from the Brazilian intelligence agency in particular. But Jair Bolsonaro is still the undisputed leader of the Brazilian right and far right, and his voter base remains solid.

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Jair Bolsonaro is the victim of persecution from the left. “This is what his clan repeats, and what Felipe da Silva, a voter of the former president, also believes.” He was crucified and made the villain of the story, but I will continue to vote for Bolsonaro. I have nothing against him, he testifies. Some may consider him crazy, but for me he is the best president of my generation. “, he assures our correspondent, Sarah Cozzolino.

Some have changed their minds, however. He has already disappointed me with the posture he has adopted during the pandemic. Now, there are all these cases that we are discovering… I do not take one side or the other. I would like us to have honest politicians. “, laments Frederico Alves.


This taxi driver refers in particular to the jewelry affair. Jair Bolsonaro is suspected of having appropriated luxury items offered as state gifts to the Brazil for a value of more than a million dollars. But Frederico’s colleague, José Mattos, intervenes. If he was given these jewels, now they are his! I don’t see why he should leave them to Lula. He will make them disappear! »

Despite his rare appearances, José continues to closely follow Jair Bolsonaro, who is the target of a host of investigations. The former president, in power from 2019 to 2022, is not directly targeted by this latest espionage investigation, but his film Carlos is, AFP reports. He is suspected of having coordinated a “hate cabinet” active on social networks at the time.

But it is an additional worry for the former head of state who, targeted by a host of investigations, denounces a “persecution” of the government of the left-wing president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

José Mattos will be there on Thursday, July 18, when the former president travels to Rio to support his candidate for mayor.

Read alsoUS Far-Right Summit in Brazil: Bolsonaro and Milei Show Their Complicity
