At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Chris Evans said goodbye to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Captain America. Unlike his Avengers colleague Robert Downey Jr., however, he did not do so without his To appoint successor: Sam Wilson aka Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie, took over the shield.
However, Wilson had some doubts about whether he had what it takes to be the new Captain America, as revealed in the six-part Marvel series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Now he is finally ready for his first own adventure on the big screen. Here is the teaser trailer for Captain America 4: Brave New World.
Captain America 4: First teaser trailer shows us Chris Evans’ successor Anthony Mackie in action
Captain America: Brave New World – Trailer (English) HD
Although Captain America 4: Brave New World follows on from the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the series is not the only relevant Marvel project that you should watch again before the film’s release. The new Captain America film brings back three figuresintroduced in The Incredible Hulk.
After Emil Blonsky aka Abomination (Tim Roth) celebrated his comeback in the She-Hulk series, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler) and Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson) are now back from obscurity. The most famous returnees is, however, a different one: Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross plays a key role in Captain America 4.
Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross returns: Harrison Ford transforms into Red Hulk in Captain America 4
Ross has appeared in five Marvel films so far. In addition to The Incredible Hulk, these include the last two Avengers reunions as well as Captain America: Civil War and Black Widow. He was played by William Hurt, who died in March 2022. In Captain America 4, Harrison Ford takes on the role for the first time.
And while we’re on the subject of Harrison Ford, he takes up a lot of screen time in the teaser for Captain America 4: Brace New World and even turns into Red HulkWe haven’t seen his face yet, but for comic fans this storyline should no longer be a secret.
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Captain America 4 was officially announced at the San Diego Comic in 2022, at that time still under the controversial additional title New World Order. Filming began in March 2023. The final shot was taken three months later. In early 2024, the cast and crew were brought together for reshoots, the Hollywood Reporter reported.
When will Captain America 4: Brave New World be released in theaters?
Captain America 4: Brave New World starts on February 12, 2025 in German cinemas. It is the 35th film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the penultimate film of Phase 5. This is followed by Thunderbolts (cinema release: April 30, 2025) as the grand finale, before we move on to Phase 6 with the Fantastic Four (cinema release: July 24, 2025).