German Navy to Stop Using Floppy Disks in Frigate Fleet

Japan largely ends floppy disk usage in institutions

The German Navy wants to stop using floppy disks in its frigate fleet. Yes, such a study in 2024 is being executed.

It has emerged that the German navy has acquired the Brandenburg-class F123 frigates, which the country uses against submarines, It has been running 8-inch floppy disks since they entered service in the 1990s. The German Navy is reportedly working to change this situation. It is said that changing the floppy disk system on ships is not an easy task. These floppy disks control almost everything on ships, from air flow systems to power generation. Therefore, the new system that will be put into use must work safely and stably. Japan recently made a splash regarding the floppy disk issue. Because Japan, where incredible technologies are developed, has largely ended the use of floppy disks in official institutions. Japan is among the most important technology centers in the world, incredibly advanced technologies are being developed in the country. However, due to cultural upbringing, traditional perspective and other reasons, the country has been preserving old technologies, that is, avoiding major changes or updates. For example, in 2022 It was revealed that there was still a very high rate of floppy disk and fax machine use in the countryHere, the use of floppy disks seemed particularly interesting.


The floppy disk, which was off the agenda of many countries, including Türkiye, a long, long time ago, It was used particularly heavily at the government level in Japan.. In order to change this, the country’s authorities took a step in 2022 and announced that they would move many transactions to the internet. It was announced that physical media such as floppy disks and CDs were used for the purpose of submitting applications and documents to government institutions in the country, and businesses were no longer asked to submit data on floppy disks a long time ago. Now it has been announced that the Japanese government has removed the use of floppy disks from most corporate systems. An interesting statement on this subject made by Minister of Digital Transformation Kono TaroOn June 28thWe won the war against the Scythians!” said.
