A2A meets the financial community in the hydroelectric plants of Valtellina

A2A meets the financial community in the hydroelectric plants of

(Finance) – TheCEO of A2A Renato Mazzoncinion the occasion of theOutdoor Investor Day 2024welcomed today some representatives of the Italian and international financial community at the hydroelectric plants of the Group in Valtellina. During the event, analysts and institutional investors visited strategic infrastructures in the hydroelectric production sector, a sector in which the Company is the second largest national operator. In addition to the infrastructures in LombardyA2A manages nuclei in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Calabria, a total of 40 power plants for approximately 2,000 MW of installed capacity.

During the meeting, the following were presented: latest technological innovations linked to the plant core of the Valtellinawith particular attention to the San Giacomo and Cancano dams and the Premadio and Grosio power plants.

The A2A hydroelectric system in Valtellina and Valchiavenna has a long history. It was born in 1910 with the Grosotto power plant, intended to produce energy for Milan. In 1927 the Mese power plant entered into service, at the time the most powerful in Europe. Over the years, the system has expanded to reach its current structure, with 10 large dams and 23 power plants for a total capacity of approximately 1,200 MW. The latter include flowing water systemswhich directly use the flow of a watercourse, and storage/reservoir systems, which operate on a seasonal basis, allowing for the planning of energy production at downstream power plants.

The infrastructures of Valchiavenna include 6 large dams and 12 power plants with an installed capacity of 384 MWwhile those of theAlta Valtellina includes 4 large dams and 11 power plants with an installed capacity of 784 MW. Some of these are located in high-value natural areas, such as the Cancano and San Giacomo dams in the Fraele valley, and the Braulio power plant within the Stelvio National Park, where they integrate perfectly into the landscape thanks to projects that minimize environmental impact.

The Industrial Plan 2024-2035, which has in its energy transition one of the two strategic pillars together with the circular economy, includes investments in advanced technologies to improve the efficiency of hydroelectric plants, aimed at enhancing existing works and greater flexibility to optimize the availability and use of water resources.

Part of these investments will be allocated to Valtellina and Valchiavenna, two historic territories for the Group, which host a significant part of the hydroelectric park managed by A2A. Here, thanks to the more favourable climatic conditions of 2023, the generation of renewable energy has returned to the average values โ€‹โ€‹of the last 10 years: in total, over 2,670 GWh were produced in the area, recording an increase of 38% compared to 2022 and contributing to avoid the emission of more than 1 million tons of CO2.
