Google and Xiaomi phones have a very handy hidden button!

Google and Xiaomi phones have a very handy hidden button

Do you have a Xiaomi or Google Pixel phone? They have a very practical but somewhat hidden button.

Smartphone manufacturers are full of ideas to make us want to buy their latest model on sale. Among the most famous brands in the world, some stand out by offering quite new and surprising features. This is particularly the case for Xiaomi and Google phones. Several users have recently found a new button that they did not suspect until now! It is also found on certain smartphones from the Motorola brand, which has been making a nice comeback in France for a few months.

This button acts as a sort of shortcut giving access to many features. But even though it is very practical, it remains relatively hidden, even though it is exposed to everyone’s view: it is located on the back of the phones. It must be said that it is not a physical button on which you can press and feel pressure as is the case with the volume and power buttons. It is an entirely digital function, which simply requires double tapping on the back of your device to use it! However, the latter is not available by default, and you have to tinker a little to be able to activate it on a daily basis.


Explanations. To activate the option first, go to your phone’s settings and the “system” tab. Then select the “gestures and movements” section or simply “gestures”. If your phone has this option, you should then find a section called “double tap to launch actions”. By activating the latter, you will then be able to use the new button located behind your phone. By tapping it twice with your finger, you will be able to perform an action of your choice.

Which ones? A multitude of actions are available to you: take a screenshot, trigger the voice assistant, play or pause your music, open an application of your choice… The possibilities remain quite numerous. It is also possible to adjust the intensity at which you must double-tap the back of the phone if you ever find that this button activates too easily and especially by mistake in your pocket or bag.

Also note that this hidden button is also available on recent iPhone models. To activate it, you will need to go to the “Settings” > “Accessibility” > “Touch”, then “Touch the back of the device”. You will then be able to assign an action to double-tapping or triple-tapping the back of your iPhone.
