President Macron asks “republican” forces to “build a solid majority”

President Macron asks republican forces to build a solid majority

French President Emmanuel Macron asked on Wednesday July 10th: to all political forces recognizing themselves in republican institutions ” break down ” a solid majority ” in the National Assembly, before appointing a new Prime Minister, wrote the head of state in a letter published in the regional press. Emmanuel Macron assured that he ” will decide on the appointment of the Prime Minister “when the political forces have” built ” of the ” compromise “.

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In a letter published on Wednesday in the regional press, which brings him out of his silence for the first time since the second round of early legislative elections, the President of the Republic considered that ” no one took it away ” in this election, which did not produce any majority within a National Assembly fragmented into three main blocs, with the left in the lead.

In his letter to the French people, President Emmanuel Macron asked on Wednesday: to all political forces that recognise themselves in republican institutions, the rule of law, parliamentarianism, a European orientation and the defence of French independence, to engage in a sincere and loyal dialogue to build a solid, necessarily plural, majority for the country “, writes the head of state in this letter published three days after the second round of early legislative elections.

This gathering must be built around a few major principles for the country, clear and shared republican values, a pragmatic and readable project. “, adds the President of the Republic in a letter to the French published in the regional press, observing that ” The French have chosen the republican front through the ballot box, the political forces must make it concrete through their actions “.

Emmanuel Macron assured on Wednesday that he ” will decide on the appointment of the Prime Minister “when the political forces have” built ” of the ” compromise » : « This assumes that you allow a little time “. ” Until then, the current government will continue to exercise its responsibilities and will then be in charge of current affairs as is the republican tradition. “, explained the President of the Republic in a letter to the French published in the regional press.

The left-wing union of the New Popular Front came out on top ahead of the presidential camp following mutual withdrawals to prevent the far-right National Rally (RN), the main force after the first round, from coming to power. The Republicans (LR, right) kept around sixty deputies, far behind these three blocs. Divided in the first round, united by mutual withdrawals in the second, elected thanks to the votes of the electors of their former adversaries, only the republican forces represent an absolute majority. “, writes the head of state.

(More information to come…)

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: a fragmented Assembly put to the test by the culture of compromise
