Marine Le Pen and the RN deputies return to the Assembly with bitterness, “pride” and promises of irreproachability

Marine Le Pen and the RN deputies return to the

The leading party in France after the European elections and the third largest bloc in the National Assembly after the legislative elections, the far-right National Rally returned to the Palais Bourbon, seat of the lower house of Parliament, on Wednesday 10 July, with the 2027 presidential election in its sights.

3 min

Turning the page on disappointing legislative elections and their regrettable excesses. This is, in subtext, the objective of the troops of Marine Le Pen who have sworn to be ” irreproachable ” in order to take up responsibilities, when they entered the National Assembly on Wednesday morning, July 10. The National Rally’s accession to power is only ” postponed ” assured the three-time presidential candidate, all smiles upon her arrival at the Palais Bourbon. Around her, for the photo at the foot of the steps, around 120 elected officials, without the allies ofEric Ciottiwho came to the Assembly the day before.

National representation cannot be twisted indefinitely.

All smiles but bitter, Marine Le Pen returns to the Assembly with her RN deputies

In total, the RN and its supporters should have some 143 deputies, far from the absolute majority (289) of which Jordan Bardella dreamed of being named Prime Minister, but well above the 88 outgoing Le Penist deputies. A number of manoeuvres, including mass withdrawals, have deprived us of an absolute majority.denounced Marine Le Pen bitterly. We are left with a quagmire since no one is able to know from which ranks the Prime Minister will come and what policy will be implemented for the country. “, continued the woman who, unsurprisingly, was re-elected president of her group during the morning.

New arrivals, re-elected and absentees

In the courtyard, a Renaissance MP, Ludovic Mendes, watches the arrival of the far-right contingent with disillusionment. It hurts my heart “, he says. When Marine Le Pen says that it’s “postponed”, ” she is right, if no one (in other groups) does not want to discuss coalition or government contract ” and if ” Everyone wants to appoint their own Prime Minister “, he warns.

New RN parliamentarians are discovering the Palais Bourbon, such as the former CFDT and FO unionist from the Florange blast furnaces, Frédéric Weber, new deputy for Meurthe-et-Moselle, or the police officer Jonathan Gery, elected in the Rhône and ” proud to strengthen the group » far-right.

Re-elected in Yonne, Daniel Grenon was not invited to this group return. He should be subject to disciplinary proceedings within the party after having considered that a ” Binational Maghrebian ” doesn’t ” its place in the high places “. He will sit among the non-registered. The deputy of Loir-et-Cher Roger Chudeau is however present for the family photo, he who had however been reprimanded by Marine Le Pen after his outburst on the former socialist minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, a ” Franco-Moroccan “, whose appointment was a ” error “, he estimated, evoking more broadly a risk of ” double loyalty » dual nationals.

Bardella insists on the need to be “ irreproachable »

While Marine Le Pen was elected president of the parliamentary group, it was the party leader, Jordan Bardella, who gave the first instructions. He joined the RN group in the morning to address the deputies: ” You will be asked to be perfectly irreproachable on the ground, with your media and in the regional daily press. “, he insisted, in order to ” to increase the credibility of our project “It is impossible not to think of the many legislative candidates under the RN label who have been criticized for racist or anti-Semitic speeches.

Having already admitted ” errors ” having contributed to the defeat of the RN in the legislative elections, he promised a ” examination of conscience ” For ” correct what needs to be corrected “, the day after the resignation of the party’s general director, Gilles Pennelle, whose Matignon plan, so highly praised for months, failed. The post-dissolution RN deputies are removed from power, but the fact remains that with more than 120 of them, they will have a role to play in maintaining or overthrowing the future government(s).
