Nutritionists’ Little Secret to Eating Pizza Without Raising Blood Sugar

Nutritionists Little Secret to Eating Pizza Without Raising Blood Sugar

“We create a sort of “barrier” which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates during the meal.”

Whether you’re more of a Margherita, Regina, Norwegian or Calzone person, pizza is a “pleasure” food that we love to enjoy at a restaurant or share with loved ones at home. Friendly, practical and delicious, it’s the French’s favorite “on the go” dish ahead of burgers and kebabs, with a marked preference for 4 cheeses, according to the Speak Snacking 2024 study. The problem is that pizza is also a “calorie and carbohydrate bomb” that can cause blood sugar levels to skyrocket. Unless you follow a tip well known to nutritionists.

Without overdoing it, pizza is not to be completely banned and can even, eaten from time to time and by making the right choices, be part of a healthy and balanced diet. For the healthiest pizza possible, opt for a homemade dough made with flour, water, salt and baker’s yeast (or sourdough) and forget about industrial doughs often full of additives and saturated fats. Add 100% tomato coulis that you season with a little salt, pepper and oregano (rich in carvacrol, this aromatic herb helps regulate blood sugar) and as a topping, a little mozzarella (a reasonably caloric cheese), fresh vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, peppers, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, etc.) and for protein, an egg, tuna or a few strips of chicken.Thanks to their satiating effect, proteins will stabilize insulin levels and prevent blood sugar spikes.“, explains Aurélie Tetzlaff, dietician-nutritionist.

But the best advice “To balance your meal and avoid big spikes in blood sugar, you should accompany your pizza with a food rich in fiber which will “create a sort of “barrier” slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates consumed during the meal”continues our interlocutor. Fibers are found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables. “This is why we can accompany our pizza with a green salad or raw vegetables, for example lamb’s lettuce with a few cherry tomatoes or a bowl of grated carrots.“, she advises. This also allows you to be satisfied more quickly and not be tempted to eat your entire pizza. Some restaurants also offer a formula with half a pizza accompanied by green salad, it’s the best option for blood sugar. Think about it.
