“serious and consistent evidence” of his involvement in a crime

serious and consistent evidence of his involvement in a crime

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was indicted on Tuesday, July 9 after being questioned by the police. She is suspected of having played an important role in the “save Sarko” operation, which led to Ziad Takieddine’s retraction in the case of the alleged Libyan financing of the 2007 presidential campaign.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is in turn indicted in the case of the alleged Libyan financing of her husband’s presidential campaign in 2007, after being questioned by investigators on Tuesday, July 9. She is suspected of “concealment of witness tampering, participation in a criminal association with a view to committing the offence of fraud in judgment by an organized gang (with a view to misleading the magistrates having to rule in the judicial investigation relating to the suspicions of Libyan financing of her electoral campaign)”. Carla Bruni-Sarkozy left her hearing free, with a ban on contacting any of the protagonists in this affair, except her husband.

His links with Mimi Marchand

If the singer is now being investigated, it is in particular because of her personal and professional links with Michèle Marchand, known as “Mimi Marchand”, pope of the celebrity press, who is accused of having played a major role in Ziad Takieddine’s retraction.

In a first hearing revealed by The Parisianin which Carla Bruni was heard as a free suspect on May 2, 2023, she had been questioned about direct communications with Mimi Marchand from a secret telephone at several crucial moments of the operation.

The phone number is registered in the name of the former first lady’s computer technician, but the photo associated with this contact in Mimi Marchand’s phone is indeed that of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. One exchange in particular is being studied by investigators. It dates from October 22, 2020. When Mimi Marchand had just arrived in Beirut for the interview with Ziad Takieddine, she reportedly received a message from this number: “Everything okay, my mimi?” In addition, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy conceded to investigators that there was little chance that her computer technician knew “Mimi”. After having repeatedly denied being the owner of this phone number, the former model raised the hypothesis that her son was using it. A theory quickly refuted by investigators who wonder why “Mimi” would send this kind of message to Carla Bruni-Sarkozy’s son. For her lawyer, Mr Paul Mallet, “the indictment of Mrs Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, in the same terms as that concerning her husband, is only the procedural continuation”.
