Rwanda: cancellation of migration agreement does not require return of money | News in brief

Rwanda’s government said canceling its controversial migration deal does not require it to return the 280 million euros already paid.

The migration agreement between Rwanda and Britain does not require the return of funds, says the Rwandan government.

The new British government scrapped the migration deal shortly after the election. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced this last Saturday.

The aim of the law was to send asylum seekers in Britain to Rwanda to await a decision on asylum.

After April 2022, Britain has already paid around 280 million euros to Rwanda.

– Returning the money was never part of the agreement, a spokesperson for the Rwandan government Alain Mukuralinda emphasized on Tuesday.

Britain and Rwanda have had challenges with the agreement before, when the UN Supreme Court decided in November of last year that the agreement was illegal.

Source: AFP, Reuters
