Already involved in a cocaine case, who is Oscar Jégou, accused of sexual assault?

Already involved in a cocaine case who is Oscar Jegou

Oscar Jégou was arrested in Argentina on July 8 for sexual assault.

Oscar Jégou, aged 21, is accused of sexual assault in Argentina. Arrested, the young player may see his career end just like Hugo Auradou if the facts are proven. Oscar Jégou is not at his first skid. At the beginning of the season, the third row of La Rochelle had tested positive for cocaine just after the second match of his career. He had justified this consumption at the time by ingesting the product after recreational use during an evening.

The player was then suspended for a month and explained that this affair had calmed him down. U20 world champion, he quickly made his return to his team Stade Rochelais, playing 16 matches and being a starter for the final stages of Top 14.
