Between 10 and 15 million taxpayers will receive a transfer by the end of July. A welcome influx of money during this summer period, especially if they had forgotten.

Between 10 and 15 million taxpayers will receive a transfer

Between 10 and 15 million taxpayers will receive a transfer by the end of July. A welcome influx of money during this summer period, especially if they had forgotten.

There aren’t many pleasant surprises when it comes to money, especially in this long period of generalized inflation. So when an unexpected transfer arrives in your bank account, it’s always a small satisfaction, especially at the beginning of the summer period and the holidays that go with it.

As is the case every year at this time, several million people will very soon receive a sum of money from the tax authorities. Indeed, following the closing of the 2023 income declaration campaign about a month ago, the tax administration will reimburse taxpayers whose cumulative withholding taxes from last year exceed the final amount of their tax.

According to information collected by BFM TV from the Directorate General of Public Finances (DGFiP), these refunds of overpaid income taxes would concern no less than 10 to 15 million taxpayers this year. So there is a real chance that you are among them, and when we know that this refund reaches several hundred euros on average, it is a welcome little windfall.

If you are concerned, this transfer will take the form of a transfer made directly to the bank account entered in your Personal Space on the website, without any additional steps on your part. The tax authorities will make the transfers in two batches, on 24 and 31 July, so all taxpayers concerned should receive the sum by the beginning of August at the latest.

On the other hand, if the sum of the withholding taxes made last year is less than the final amount of your income tax, or if the advances on tax credits and reductions paid in January 2024 are greater than their final amount, you will then have to pay the difference at the end of the summer. In this case, if the missing amount is less than €300, it will be deducted in one go on September 26, 2024 from your bank account. And if it is more than €300, the payment will then be spread over four monthly installments starting on that same date.

So make sure you check your final income tax notice now, in order to set aside the necessary sum and thus avoid an unpleasant surprise when you return to school, once the holidays and summer expenses are over.
