Strong reactions to Hernö gin’s change: “Really boring”

Strong reactions to Herno gins change Really boring

Hernö gin is one of Sweden’s most popular gin producers. Hernö gin was founded by Jon Hillgren in 2011 in Dala, outside Härnösand. Hillgren discovered his passion for gin on a trip to London in 1990 and has had a burning interest ever since.

The first gin was already produced in the 17th century, today gin is a popular spirit to make drinks and cocktails with.

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Hernö gin’s change

Now Hernö gin has made a big change that creates strong reactions among customers. Namely, they are going to change the design of their bottles.

According to founder Jon Hillgren, it must be because you want to further develop what you are already satisfied with.

– We get a lot of appreciation for our visual expression, many like the color scheme on the bottles and recognize us thanks to the design. Now we are further developing what is already good one step further so that we are seen even better on the shelf. After countless twists and turns with prototypes, color samples and design sketches, it feels incredibly fun to now show the result, he says to Café.


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Strong reactions to the new look of the bottles

On Instagram, Hernö gin posted a post where they talked about the new design and the reactions were not long in coming.

“Unfortunately. Really boring font, I must say honestly,” writes one person in the comments.

“Like the old one, but it’s the content that’s the most important,” writes another.

“Also nice but prefer the earlier one”.

“Prefer the old font on the label!”.

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The new design gets both praise and praise

But there were also those who thought the new design was a real boost with a nice design.

“Nice!!!”, another person writes among the comments.

“Stylish and neat!”.

“Wow. So nice! Cheers”.

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