Beaten by a Macronist, discover her result in the legislative elections

what are his chances of being re elected in the 2024

Outgoing LR MP Meyer Habib was not re-elected in the second round of the legislative elections. Here are the surprising results of the 8th constituency of French people living outside France.

“Dear friends, I have surely lost these elections, despite the 85% of votes that I have in Israel, almost five times the score of Ms. Yadan, my competitor, who allied herself with the anti-Semitic far left,” Meyer Habib declared Sunday evening. In a video published on X, the outgoing deputy of the 8th constituency of French people abroad announced his defeat and thanked his voters. The result of the second round of the legislative elections was a surprise in this constituency, which includes Israel, Palestine, Italy and Turkey.

Meyer Habib, an outgoing LR MP, will therefore not return to the benches of the National Assembly. Elected for the first time in 2013, he had easily won a by-election in February 2023. A little over a year later, he lost his seat to his Macronist opponent, Caroline Yadan. She benefited from the transfer of votes from the electors of Yaël Lerer, the candidate of the New Popular Front who came third in the first round.

What result for Meyer Habib in the legislative elections?

Meyer Habib won 47.30% of the votes in the second round, compared to 52.70% for Caroline Yadan. However, in the first round, voters had placed Meyer Habib in the lead. The outgoing MP, running for re-election under the LR label, had won 35.58% of the votes cast among expatriates from Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Italy and Turkey. Meyer Habib had therefore easily qualified for the second round of the legislative elections, followed by the Macronist Caroline Yadan, who had obtained 24.18% of the votes in the first round.

The RN had chosen not to nominate a candidate to face Meyer Habib, creating ambiguity about his participation in the alliance led by Eric Ciotti. LR had therefore nominated Aurélie Assouline to face him, who came in fifth place with 4.09% of the vote. Meyer Habib, however, denied any agreement with Eric Ciotti and Jordan Bardella.
