Motion sickness: causes, treatment, how to avoid it?

Motion sickness causes treatment how to avoid it

Nausea, dizziness, feeling sick, feeling like vomiting… Motion sickness, or kinetosis, can occur when traveling by car, boat, train, bus or even plane.

As soon as the vehicle (car, bus, plane, boat, train…) starts, some people may feel an unpleasant feeling in the upper abdomen which is similar to nausea. A heartache which can be accompanied in a second stage bypaleness, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, rapid breathing or even, ofsudden fatigue. That’s what we call motion sickness or more commonly “motion sickness”. Of course, the intensity of these symptoms varies from one person to another. While these signs of discomfort generally disappear a few minutes after the vehicle stops, they are no less annoying during long journeys. Motion sickness is quite rare in infants. It can appear at the age of 2 and is very common in children up to adolescence. Adults are also prone to motion sickness. Women, particularly during menstruation or pregnancy, may experience nausea or migraines.

Getting sick while traveling is explained by the contradiction between the data transmitted by the eyes (who perceive a movement, a turn for example) and information sent by the vestibule (organ of balance which is located in the inner ear). In fact, this organ records an impression different from that provided by sight (the body is motionless in a car which is moving). As a result, it is impossible for it to give the brain exact information and This prevents the body from adapting to the movementas he can easily do on foot. In short, motion sickness is all the more intense when the vehicle’s movements are significant (rough seas, air pockets, mountain bends, etc.). Generally, it is the boat that gives the most nausea, followed by the plane, the car, the bus and the train. Note that certain activities (roller coasters, video games) cause symptoms similar to motion sickness.

In any case, it is strongly not recommended to combine several treatments against motion sicknesssuch as continuing treatment yourself even if symptoms persist after the trip, insists Health Insurance on its website.

With medications (Nautamine®, Mercalm®…)

To avoid travel sickness, it is possible to take medication: ask your doctor and/or pharmacist for advice, specifying the ages of your children. Antihistamines can be taken 30 minutes before departure and repeated during the journey (space each dose 6 hours apart), but are contraindicated if you are driving (risk of drowsiness), for pregnant women and children under 2 years old (for Nautamine) or 6 years old (for Mercalm, Nausicalm and Vogalib).

Nautamine®: medicine that contains diphenhydramine, an antihistamine and which comes in the form of scored tablets, to be taken from 2 years old, respecting the dosage and contraindications mentioned in the leaflet. This medicine promotes drowsiness and should not be taken before driving. It is no longer available over the counter in pharmacies but only on request to the pharmacist.

Mercalm®, Nausicalm®: Mercalm is an antihistamine medication that contains caffeine, known for its stimulant action. This medication is used from the age of 6 to prevent motion sickness and by carefully respecting the dosage and contraindications mentioned in the leaflet. Its syrup form, Nausicalm, is preferred for young children from 2 years old. These treatments are no longer freely available in pharmacies but only on request to the pharmacist.

Vogalib®: anti-nausea medication available over the counter in pharmacies that contains metopimazine, It is effective in reducing vomiting and nausea from the age of 6. However, it is not recommended for prevention. Do not drive for 4 hours after taking it. Carefully follow the dosage and contraindications mentioned in the leaflet.

With a patch

Reserved for adults and only on medical prescription, the patchwhich is stuck behind the ear 6 to 12 hours before departure and must be removed at the end of the trip (it must be kept for a maximum of 72 hours, if the trip lasts more than 72 hours, it must be replaced with a new patch). The Scopoderm® is a patch that contains scopolamine, a substance that acts on the inner ear (the organ of balance) to prevent the transmission of disturbing information to the brain. It should not be used in children under 15 years of age and requires a medical prescription.

With a bracelet

Motion sickness bracelets inspired by the principles of acupuncture, press on strategic points wrist and help to alleviate feelings of nausea. They should be worn on both wrists for the entire duration of the journey.

With homeopathy

Homeopathic medicines work on nausea, dizziness and vomiting associated with motion sickness. For example, Cocculine (reserved for children over 18 months) can be taken before departure as a preventative measure (5 granules can be repeated every half hour and spaced out depending on improvement).

With essential oils

The alliance of essential oils of Pepper mint and of Lemon help prevent nausea. Mix 7 ml of Lemon EO and 3 ml of Peppermint EO. ​​Place 1 to 2 drops of this mixture on the wrist or on a handkerchief if signs of nausea appear and breathe up to 5 times a day. These essential oils are contraindicated for children under 6 years old and pregnant women.

In a car or on a bus, prefer the front seats.

Generally speaking, to avoid motion sickness, it is necessary to limit the sensation of movement. Regardless of the mode of transport, it is best to avoid reading, looking at your phone or playing video games. It is better to stay focused on the horizon or on a stationary point outside the car. If the sickness sets in, it is important not to panic, to close your eyes and breathe deeply, taking in some fresh air, on the deck of the boat or by opening the car window. Before the trip, the meal should be light and not too fatty. You should avoid drinking alcohol before a trip. Be careful, do not leave on an empty stomach. You can take or give your children who feel nauseous mints which reduce nausea.

  • By train, Choose places facing the direction of travel and near the windows to be able to see outside.
  • By car, prefer seats at the front and near the windows to follow the road with your eyes. Driving can also reduce feelings of nausea. Also adjust the height of children’s seats so that they can look out. Make regular stops and stretch your legs for a few minutes. Ask the driver to drive calmly and avoid sudden acceleration and deceleration.
  • By buspreferably choose a seat at the front of the bus and by the window to follow the road with your eyes.
  • By planetry to choose seats in the middle of the aircraft, at wing level, which shake a little less than the others. Also, remember to direct the ventilation towards your face.
  • On a boattry to fix a point on the horizon. Favor cabins located in the middle, where the boat moves the least, and close to the water level.
