Marine Le Pen: what role if Jordan Bardella becomes Prime Minister?

Marine Le Pen what role if Jordan Bardella becomes Prime

This Sunday, Marine Le Pen, already re-elected in the legislative elections, hopes that her party will obtain an absolute majority thanks to the results of the vote, opening the doors of Matignon to Jordan Bardella. In such a scenario, the MP knows precisely what her mission will be.

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21:57 – Marine Le Pen: “Macron was the promoter of the extreme left”

Re-elected in the first round of the legislative elections, Marine Le Pen watched the results of the second round of the legislative elections as an attentive spectator, which saw the National Rally ultimately defeated by the New Popular Front and Ensemble. “The RN is the leading party in France, and it is also the leading party in terms of the number of deputies,” she said, separating in her mind the parties gathered under the banner of the NFP and Ensemble. “Today, it is the far left and its allies who are in the lead. Emmanuel Macron was the promoter of the far left.” The former presidential candidate warned: “Our victory is only delayed.”

20:07 – Failure for Marine Le Pen and the RN

This is the feeling, the first results published at 8pm this Sunday, July 7, see Marine Le Pen’s RN far from its objective of an absolute majority. Worse, some polls even place it in 3rd position nationally in number of seats behind the New Popular Front and neck and neck with Ensemble. The RN would be credited with 130 to 160 seats of deputies, far from the absolute majority of 289 seats.

19:39 – Marine Le Pen targeted by a complaint just before the second round

Sébastien Delogu announced on July 4 that he “intends to file” a complaint for “public defamation” against Marine Le Pen. The LFI MP points to accusations of anti-Semitism made against him during an interview on TF1 with the RN leader. “This attack on the righteousness of my political fight and my dignity is unacceptable,” he denounced in a press release. “The National Rally is trying today to draw attention to us, to make people believe in an anti-Semitism that would be in our camp, which does not exist and has never existed,” added the man who was re-elected in the first round in the 7th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône. Marine Le Pen had mentioned a “clip of filthy anti-Semitism like we have never seen since the Second World War” that had been published on Sébastien Delogu’s TikTok account before being deleted.

19:03 – Marine Le Pen future president of the National Assembly?

If the RN wins with an absolute majority, Marine Le Pen could covet a high-ranking position, that of President of the National Assembly. However, she seems to refuse to do so. “Playing the Queen of England, not for me. I did not spend forty years in politics for honorary positions,” she confided to Le Parisien. In this position, she would rather see a personality like Sébastien Chenu.

17:58 – Marine Le Pen promises to punish RN candidates who make discriminatory remarks

Several RN candidates in the legislative elections, including some who qualified for the second round, have been singled out for conspiracy, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or xenophobic comments or publications. Invited to BFMTV on July 4, Marine Le Pen made a clear distinction between “inadmissible comments that will lead to sanctions” and “clumsiness”. For the most serious cases, the RN’s “conflicts commission” will be called upon to rule. “There are black sheep everywhere,” added the RN leader.

16:57 – Marine Le Pen prepares the next step

Since she was elected on Sunday, June 30, Marine Le Pen had disappeared from the field. If she appeared a little on television or radio, she would often have remained at the party HQ. According to FranceInfo, she would have multiplied the meetings to prepare the future, especially in the event of an absolute majority. Composition of the government, implementation of measures, she would have spent a lot of time with Jordan Bardella to think about it. The program of the first months, if the RN comes to power, would be in the process of being finalized with draft laws to be presented this summer.

14:46 – Marine Le Pen defends the RN against Russian support

Four days before the second round of the legislative elections, Andrei Nastasin, deputy director of the Russian information and press department, stated on X via the official government account that “the French people are looking for a sovereign foreign policy that serves their national interests and a break with the diktat of Washington and Brussels”. The message was accompanied by a photo of Marine Le Pen smiling on the stage of a rally and sounds like clear support for the RN. Invited to TF1’s 8pm news on Wednesday, Marine Le Pen made things clear. “I absolutely do not feel responsible for Russian provocations against France and Emmanuel Macron”, she stated in front of Gilles Bouleau. “I can tell you that if they thought they had an interest, they would not have tweeted. So, I think it’s a provocation and incidentally, it’s perhaps also a bit of interference. Because when you make a tweet like that, so ostentatious, and so provocative, it can be seen as a form of interference.”

13:55 – Emmanuel Macron preparing an “administrative coup”? Marine Le Pen’s accusation

Marine Le Pen suspects the president of setting up an “administrative coup d’état” by promoting express appointments to various key state positions: “The President of the Republic is considering appointing the director general of the national police, when he was supposed to stay until the end of the Olympic Games, and the director of the national gendarmerie and dozens of prefects, and a whole series of people whose objective would be to block, to prevent in reality Jordan Bardella from governing the country,” she denounced.

“When you want to counter the election result by appointing your own people so that they prevent you from being able to lead the policy that the French want within the State, I call that an administrative coup d’état. I hope that this is just a rumor, which is possible,” the RN leader qualified. Following her comments, Marine Le Pen was reportedly called by the Elysée to “keep calm” and “be moderate.”

This Sunday, as voters return to the polls, Marine Le Pen will be watching her party’s results in France closely. She has already been re-elected in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais with 58.04% of the vote and 34.71% of registered voters, arriving well ahead of Samir Laal, invested by the New Popular Front (26.05% of votes cast). This is the first time that the MP has not needed to go to the second round. In the RN camp, 38 other candidates have achieved the same feat.

This victory was only part of Marine Le Pen’s goal. She especially wants her party to obtain an absolute majority this Sunday. For this second round, the RN managed to qualify in 485 constituencies out of 577, including 258 where it came out on top. In 141 of these constituencies, the RN candidate has a good lead with more than 40% of the votes cast in the first round.

However, according to polls published before the midnight July 5th reserve period, such as the projection below, it is the RN that should obtain the most seats in the National Assembly at the end of the vote, probably more than 200. Next would come the New Popular Front with more than 100 seats and in third position, the presidential majority which would struggle to reach the 100 seat mark. However, these polls represent the trends given at a specific time.

That being said, the RN leader has a strategy in mind as she confided to France Inter July 2. “From the moment we have, for example, 270 deputies, we need 19 more. We will go to the others and we will say to them: ‘Are you ready to participate with us in a new majority for a new policy, yes or no? Are you ready to vote for confidence? Are you ready to vote for the budget?’ “. So she still wants to believe in it.

Marine Le Pen MP but not minister

If Jordan Bardella manages to be appointed Prime Minister, Marine Le Pen wants to become “president of the majority group in the National Assembly”, as she confided on July 2 on France Inter“I will not be a second Prime Minister at all,” she assured. “Tomorrow he will be totally free in the way he leads the government,” she specified.

A role that would suit her well, assuring that she will “absolutely not be under the authority” of Jordan Bardella but that “the fact that the president of the group and the Prime Minister are extremely close politically is rather good news”, she declared to the newspaper. The worldNor is she aiming for the presidency of the National Assembly.

Marine Le Pen wants above all to keep time to prepare for the 2027 presidential election and therefore does not tend to enter the government: “Being a minister does not allow me to continue to work on my presidential stature”. The MP had also affirmed, the day after the European elections, to work with Jordan Bardella “as part of an executive couple”. “Me towards the presidency of the Republic, him towards Matignon, there is no reason to change that”, she had declared. She also hopes that a presidential election will take place “as soon as possible”: “If Emmanuel Macron decides to resign, we will go into this presidential battle with great enthusiasm”, assured Marine Le Pen to France Inter. She had estimated, before the first round, that this was the only solution left to the president “to potentially get out of a political crisis”, even if the latter excluded this possibility.
