Greece is heading for a new tourist record – islands are at risk of destruction

The summer of 2024 is expected to break all records in the number of visitors to the Greek islands. On the island of Hydra, they struggle with sustainability and with maintaining the island’s unique identity. – Its a challenge. Mass tourism is not sustainable tourism, it does not last! That warns Pavlina Proteou. She is a sustainability strategist and has worked for several years for sustainable tourism on the small island of Hydra, which we reach by ferry from Athens. – It is a problem for Hydra, the daily cruises, all-inclusive, it does not bring any income to the island, she states. An island with a special history, laws and identity Hydra has a rich maritime history and is an increasingly popular tourist destination. In the small island’s mayor’s office, in the middle of a giant desk, stands a statuette that bears witness to the island’s special history. The filming of the movie “Dolphin Boy” took place here in 1957. Sophia Loren, in the main role, called the island the most beautiful place on earth and the tourists started coming. – Hydra is a very special island. Neither cars, motorbikes nor bicycles are allowed here. We have a unique identity that must be preserved, says Mayor George Koukoudakis. He has been based over Hydra since 2014 and describes the island as cosmopolitan and open to visitors but that the island has limitations. He receives us in a huge office, on the walls hang large portraits of his predecessors. He knows everything about the island’s unique history and tells us that several Greek political leaders have their origins here. Local cafe owner: “I’m glad the tourists are coming” Further into Hydra’s narrow alleys we find one of the island’s oldest and most popular cafes. Here, Dimitris Tsagaris bakes the marzipan pancakes that have been baked here by his family since 1930. Legend has it that Sophia Loren loved the cookies. – I am happy that the tourists are coming. Me, my family and my shop need them, says Dimitris Tsagaris, happily greeting some customers on their way into the shop. Sustainability strategist Pavlina Proteou focuses on the economy and the environment. – If quantity can become quality. It would be a win-win for both society and the environment, she says.
