Demi Moore got 12.5 million for cult film and Hollywood attacked her for it

Demi Moore got 125 million for cult film and Hollywood

Demi Moore was one of the biggest Hollywood stars in the 90s, but she doesn’t have particularly positive memories of two films: Striptease and The Jane Files, which also failed to meet expectations at the box office. Moore believes that this was also due to the roles she played – and she felt punished for her high salary.

With Striptease and The Jane Files, Demi Moore confronted women and men alike

In an interview with Variety, Demi Moore talked about her radio play podcast Dirty Diana. In it, the actress plays the operator of an erotic website on which women describe their sexual fantasies. In the discussion about the project, her roles in Striptease and The Jane Files also came up:

Striptease seemed to be a betrayal of women and The Jane Files was a betrayal of men.

In both cases there was harsh hail Criticism and nominations for the Golden RaspberryAccording to Moore, in Stiptease she took on a role that women fear because they don’t want to find themselves in that situation.

Hollywood Pictures / Buena Vista

Demi Moore in The Jane Files

For The Jane Files, however, she entered the traditionally male-dominated terrain of the military and challenged it – in the 90s, this was still a medium-sized taboo.

12.5 million for striptease: Demi Moore felt punished for her high fee

For Striptease, Moore received a fee of 12.5 million US dollars, which at that time the highest paid actress of all time. However, she could hardly be happy about it, she admits in the interview:

In particular, my fee for striptease became something for which I was punished rather than celebrated.

Because she, according to her own statement, negotiated very hard for her fees, she was nicknamed Gimme Moore. This parody of her name shows which Reservations about successful women in Hollywood existed and still exists in some cases. For comparison: Tom Cruise received a whopping 70 million dollars for his role in Mission: Impossible in the same year and had to do completely different things to be looked at askance.
