Utilities, Contract for the creation of Rete Sud signed today in Naples

Utilities Contract for the creation of Rete Sud signed today

(Finance) – The agreement was signed today in Naples by 9 utilities in the South Network contract which constitutes the Southern Networkthrough which the companies associated with Utilitalia have decided to team up to improve the services offered to citizens and jointly address the main operational, financial and regulatory challenges of the moment.

Promoted by Utilitaliathe Southern Network is a key project for the relaunch of the investments infrastructure in the water, environment and energy sectors which, according to a subsidiary approach, lays the foundations for compensating for the limitations that arise from excessive management fragmentation. First example in Noon in the sector of local public servicesthe business network will promote the coordinated development of companies, will function as a central purchasing body for the joint procurement of instrumental goods and services and will encourage the sharing of some activities and services between managers.

Through this tool, participating utilities will be able to support each other on three priority directions: to be more effective and competitive in procurement, to easily intercept public finance opportunities intended for them and to be proactive towards the regulator and the Public Administration with shared proposals. New objectives are also being studied that the Network will add to its program over the next few months.

THE signatories of Rete Sud who met today to sign the Contract are: ABC Napoli, Acquedotto Pugliese (Bari), AMG Energia (Palermo), ASIA Benevento, ASIA Napoli, Messinaservizi Bene Comune, SEA Servizi e Ambiente (Campobasso), Snie (Nola) and Sorical (Catanzaro). At the same time, several other companies have already shown their interest in the project, which they plan to join in the coming months.

“With this initiative – explains the president of Utilitalia, Philip Brandolini – the Federation intends to provide a concrete contribution for a greater development of public services in the South, which suffer from excessive fragmentation and a still too widespread presence of management in economy. Networking between managers is an important step to strengthen the system of public service companies according to an industrial logic, a mandatory path to improve the services provided to citizens and to generate positive impacts on employment and local related industries”.

The birth of Rete Sud was made possible thanks to the coordination work of Utilitalia, which availed itself of the strategic consultancy of Bip for the structuring of the operation and the legal consultancy of Studio Parola e Associati for the drafting of the Network Contract. The contract was signed in front of the Notary Michele Francesco Scardaccione of Naples.
