Therefore, 15 balconies were dumped in the courtyard

15 balconies were found dumped in a courtyard in Ludvika.
The questions from both property owners and residents were many, but the answer was closer than expected and described as a “miss in communication”.
– They will become a new railing on a staircase or a trellis for plants, says Malin Boldrup at Ludvikahem.

After the mysterious discovery in the courtyard in Marnäs in Ludvika, which P4 was the first to report on, the questions were many. Whose balconies were and why were they in the courtyard?

Ludvikahem put up a note on the stack of French balconies, calling for the owner. But the mystery soon had an answer.

– There was nothing stranger than a miscommunication, says Malin Boldrup, project manager at Ludvikahem.

Part of sustainability work

It turned out that it was Ludvikahem themselves who owned the balconies. According to Malin Boldrup, the fact that the property managers put up the note was due to a communication error during the summer vacation.

But why were several old French balconies saved?

– I work with a renovation project as a construction project manager in Ludvika. We try to work more sustainably. Then one part is to reuse building materials because it has such a big impact on the climate. And then we couldn’t keep the balcony railings, so they were taken down and will be used in another project, says Malin Boldrup.

Will become a stair railing or trellis

The balconies are now to be moved into a storage room, waiting to be used in a new project in the future. And Malin Boldrup hopes that they will be put to good use.

– I think it will be either a new railing on a staircase or maybe something that you can have as a trellis for plants.

The fact that so many people have now noticed the pile of balconies, and what they are for, pleases her.

– It’s fun to highlight a news about something that is important, circularity and recycling, she says.
