Professor: Biden seemed self-centered, narcissistic — even Trump-like in ABC interview | Foreign countries

Professor Biden seemed self centered narcissistic — even Trump like in ABC

In the future, Biden will have to take huge risks and talk more and more openly with the media. But even that is not necessarily enough, estimates the expert.

Mikko Leppänen,

Anne Elheimer

16:48•Updated 17:18

Professor of American History Marko Maunula estimates that the president running for another term Joe Biden didn’t significantly ease his own situation yesterday In an interview with ABC News.

Maunula works at Clayton State University, located in the state of Georgia, USA.

According to Maunula, the interview went better than the previous disastrous debate about the presidential challenger, the former president Donald Trump against.

After the debate, many Democrats have started demanding that Biden should drop out of the presidential race.

Maunula states that, expressed in baseball language, Biden should have hit the councilor in the ABC interview, but he maybe got one hit.

– He still seemed to struggle a bit with his words and seemed to get lost from the topic a couple of times. This was not entirely able to convince anyone that Biden is completely on top of the game, says Maunula.

“Biden seemed Trump-like”

A bit self-centered and narcissistic impression emerged from Biden, Maunula observes.

– He almost seemed a bit Trump-like, that only I can fix this. I got a bit of an impression that Biden seemed to be pursuing his own interest more than the interest of the nation.

According to Maunula, Biden also tried to change the topic and did not directly answer the interviewer’s questions.

Biden now has to work hard to convince the leadership of the Democratic Party, big financiers and voters that he is up to the task and able to continue in the presidential race, the professor estimates.

– I bet that many Democrats are talking more and more aggressively about replacing Biden with a possible other candidate.

According to Maunula, Biden is forced to take huge risks, talk more and more openly with the media and agree to media events where journalists can ask anything.

In the future, Biden must make direct contact with interviewers and Americans, says Maunula.

“Changes coming”

Panic can be seen among the Democrats at the moment, says Maunula. Rumors are rife and the tension about the future is strong within the party.

According to Maunula, some sought to strengthen the stronghold around Biden, while others say the debate proved true all the concerns many Americans had about the president’s aging and physical and mental abilities.

– The Democrats can’t afford to give Trump several weeks to campaign while they fight with each other and argue about a possible change of candidate or a new strategy to help Biden.

Professor Marko Maunula assumes that changes are coming.

– Very soon we will see that the Democrats make potentially dramatic decisions about who their candidate really is.
