Countdown to Netherlands-Turkey: ‘Too bad we’re meeting each other now’

Countdown to Netherlands Turkey Too bad were meeting each other now

It is a waiting game until tonight 23:00-23:30, will it be an ‘orange march’ or a procession of honking cars. After the riots last Tuesday, the so-called party roundabout in Amersfoort will undoubtedly be closely watched. The party after the Dutch and Turkish victories started peacefully on Tuesday until heavy fireworks were thrown. The police wrote out fines for traffic violations in particular.

“A party is allowed!”, the police responded this week. “As long as it is done safely and that it remains fun for all of us. Throwing heavy fireworks is absolutely not part of that.” Preventative measures have been considered, closing the roundabout is in any case not an option. In Utrecht, people also do not want to say much in the run-up to tonight. “As always, we are preparing for different scenarios. If necessary, we will take appropriate measures. We hope for a great football party, regardless of the result.”
