Proton launches Docs, a free collaborative online word processor similar to Google Docs, but fully encrypted, which aims to be more respectful of privacy by focusing on security and confidentiality.

Proton launches Docs a free collaborative online word processor similar

Proton launches Docs, a free collaborative online word processor similar to Google Docs, but fully encrypted, which aims to be more respectful of privacy by focusing on security and confidentiality.

A software company based in Switzerland, Proton is known – and recognized – for tools like Proton VPN, Proton Mail, Proton Pass, and Proton Drive. In short, the company offers most of the services found at Google, but with an emphasis on data protection. Its goal is clear: to compete with the platforms “Big Tech [qui] have access to your content, track you across the web, and collect data to train privacy-invading AI models”. And it doesn’t intend to stop there! Nearly two years after the launch of its Drive, the foundation is making its collaborative word processing tool official, Proton Docsalso oriented towards security and confidentiality. Google Docs is going to have competition!

Proton Docs: An efficient collaborative word processing tool

Proton Docs, a collaborative word processing tool, is now available and integrated into Proton Drive. It offers traditional editing tools as well as some popular options. For example, you can:

  • Create and edit documents in Proton Drive;
  • Invite users to view or edit documents;
  • Collaborate in real time with multiple contributors, so you always have the most recent version of the document;
  • See in real time who else is viewing or editing the document with viewing cursors and presence indicators;
  • View the history of consultations and modifications of a document;
  • Add comments visible to all collaborators;
  • Import files in .docx format for editing and export in various formats (.docx, .txt, .md and HTML).
© Proton

Proton Docs: a high level of security

All Proton software has one thing in common: security and privacy. The company’s goal has always been to expose as little user data as possible with a high level of protection and encryption to respect the privacy of its users as much as possible. As a result, Proton Docs benefits from end-to-end encryption, so that no one, except employees, can access the content of the documents. Better yet, the company even says it encrypts keystrokes and cursor movement. Everything is stored on servers owned and managed by Proton, thus avoiding the use of third-party providers. Not to mention that they are subject to Swiss legislation! In short, the complete opposite of the tools offered by the tech giants!

© Proton

More good news: Proton Docs is included in all Proton Drive subscriptions, including the free plan, with no restrictions or time limits. The software has been rolling out since July 3 and will be available to all Proton Drive users in the coming days.
