Andreas Almgren’s tough announcement ahead of the Summer Olympics – now forced to give up the medal dream: “It’s a shame”

The runner Andreas Almgren refrains from running 10,000 meters at the Olympics in Paris.
The reason is a problem with a shin bone which meant that he could not train properly.
– It’s a shame, says national team captain Kajsa Bergqvist at a press conference.

Andreas Almgren is forced to give up 10,000 meters at the Olympics – the distance he himself has pointed out as the one he has the best chance at.

The reason is that Almgren had sensations in his tibia after the EC in Rome in mid-June, something that has disrupted training since then.
– He has received positive results on X-rays, so there is nothing broken. It is not a stress fracture, which he himself was worried about at the beginning, says the national team captain Kajsa Bergqvist.

The article continues below.

The Swedish running star will thus only run 5,000 meters at the Olympics.
– He reasons that the missed training that has become this period after the EC, affects his 10,000 meters more than his 5,000, says Bergqvist, and continues:
– I think for sure he will be able to make a really good Olympics, but it’s a shame that this little hiccup comes now, even if it’s not a serious injury.

Almgren ran 10,000 meters at the EC, but missed a medal and finished fourth. It was Almgren’s only second 10,000-meter race on a track in his career. He ran the first in May and then he broke the 34-year-old Swedish record by more than a minute, when he crossed the finish line in 26.52.87.

READ MORE: Seven new Swedes selected for the Summer Olympics – and that’s how many medals Sweden wants to salvage in Paris: “We’ll try”

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