the president of the country dissolves the National Assembly

the president of the country dissolves the National Assembly

The President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, announced on Sunday the dissolution of the National Assembly. This decision comes after the request of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the blocking of the vote of a motion of no confidence against him.

The National Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved on Sunday by President Arif Alvi.Pakistan’s President Dr. Arif Alvi endorsed the PM’s request “, said the office of the presidency in a press release. This dissolution will lead to the calling of early legislative elections within 90 days.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry also clarified on Twitter that the Prime Minister had presented the resignation of his government and that he would deal with current affairs until the holding of the ballot, in accordance with the provisions provided for by the Constitution.

Motion of no confidence blocked

A few hours earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan had asked the head of state to take after narrowly escaping to a motion of no confidence. ” We will appeal to the public, hold elections and let the nation decide he said during a speech on state television.

Launched by his opponents accusing the head of government of poor economic management and clumsiness in foreign policy, the motion was not even voted on. As soon as the parliamentary session opened, the vice-president of the National Assembly, Qasim Suri, a faithful of Mr. Khan, declared that he refused to examine the motion of censure. He felt that she was ” unconstitutional » and inspired by « foreign powers “, thus using the same arguments as the Prime Minister. This decision caused an outcry among the deputies.

The Prime Minister had been at the heart of a political crisis for several weeks. Many deputies from his camp had even decided to join the opposition, causing him to lose the parliamentary majority.

(with AFP)
