What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction?

What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction

Dysfunction of the immune system, the allergy leads to a reaction to a substance called an allergen, which can be found in the air, in food or even in a medicine… The symptoms and reactions can be more or less serious.

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According to the Health Insurance website, between 25 and 30% of French people suffer from a allergy at least one substance encountered in daily life: food, medicine, pollenanimal hair, mites

When the organization is the seat of a allergic reactionit releases a substance, thehistamine, which is responsible for the reactions that will ensue. Multiple and more or less serious reactions. After one insect bite for example, if the allergic symptom is accompanied by breathing difficulties or malaise, or even triggers angioedema, the person must be treated urgently.

Multiple and varied allergic reactions

  • Quincke’s edema is characterized by rapid swelling of the skin (on the lips, eyelids, fingers, etc.) and mucous membranes.
  • The patient may also experience dizziness, syncope, fainting or vomiting.
  • Allergies to food, drugs, Insect bites and at latex for example, are very often responsible for eczema andurticaria.
  • Stuffy nose, runny nose or sneezing, eyes red rather reflect an allergy whose seat is respiratory.

Different allergies can be a triggering factor forasthma. For more information on all allergic reactions and their treatment, you can consult the Association’s website ” asthma and allergies “.

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