discover the subject of this Tuesday July 2, 2024

discover the subject of this Tuesday July 2 2024

It’s D-Day for history-geography: the 3rd year students are taking the main exam for middle school human sciences. What subject are they being questioned on?

The essential

  • Students take the history-geography test of patent 2024 this Tuesday, July 2 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
  • The history-geography subjects will be available on this page thanks to our partner Studyrama.
  • Suggested corrections will even be available during the day.

The 3rd grade students have three hours to work on writing exercises, document studies or those involving maps and timelines.

Three subjects are assessed during this test: history, geography and moral and civic education, which increases the number of subjects that could potentially come up on the day of the test. Here are some of them among the three subjects.

In history :

  • Civilians and military in the First World War
  • World War II, a war of annihilation
  • France defeated and occupied. Vichy regime, collaboration, Resistance
  • A bipolar world in the time of the Cold War

In geography:

  • Urban areas, a new geography of a globalized France
  • Low-density areas (rural areas, mountains, sparsely urbanized tourist areas) and their advantages

In moral and civic education:

  • French citizenship and European citizenship: principles, values ​​and symbols
  • The role of opinion in democratic debate
  • Threats to people’s freedom and democracy

What is the coefficient for the history-geography and EMC exams for the brevet?

The history-geography and moral and civic education test can earn up to 50 points during the brevet des collèges, it is therefore important. In the brevet, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a count of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the brevet. You need a minimum of 400 points out of 800 to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can get distinctions: you need a minimum of 480 for the distinction of fairly good, a minimum of 560 for the distinction of good, and 640 for the distinction of very good.

The DNB history-geography and moral and civic education test lasts 2 hours and is divided into three different exercises. It is marked out of 50 points (compared to 100 points for mathematics, and 100 points for French): 20 points for history, 20 points for geography, 10 points for EMC.

  • The first exercise is a document study which can be about history or geography. Candidates must answer 5 questions, including identifying the subject of the document, its context, its date and its author. There are also three questions whose answers must be found in the document distributed, supplemented with their knowledge.
  • The second exercise is a reasoned paragraph on the other subject. It must be about twenty lines long with an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. Subsequently, depending on the discipline, candidates have a geography map or a timeline to complete.
  • For’moral and civic education (EMC) testyou have to read and study two or three documents and answer a few questions.

The publication date of the 2024 brevet results varies depending on the academies to which they belong, but they will be available at the latest Friday July 12. And after the results, it’s time to celebrate the students who got the best grades! A republican ceremony for awarding the brevet diplomas is organized at the start of each school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in conjunction with the schools and the elected officials of the territory – mayors, departmental councilors, etc. – organize each year an official award ceremony for the diplomas obtained the previous year.
