Criticism of Systembolaget’s new change: “Feels a little DDR”

Criticism of Systembolagets new change Feels a little DDR

In the 450 Systembolag stores that are around the country, there is a lot of difference. The assortment can look different in many places depending on the size of the store and customer demand.

One thing that is always the same, however, is how the state-owned company chooses to furnish its stores so that all stores, regardless of where they are located, serve the same purpose: sell less rather than more.

READ MORE: This is how Systembolaget decorates its stores – to deceive you as a customer

Systembolaget’s new change – employees get new work clothes

Another thing that is always the same is the work clothes the employees wear. Despite changing outfits a couple of times before, the theme of work clothes is often the same and in similar colors to the logo you use.

Recently, however, Systembolaget presented new work clothes that the employees must wear in the store. On their Facebook page they wrote, among other things:

“The comfortable collection is adapted for an active everyday life and developed and tested by us in store. A new style – for all tastes”.

And when the images reached the public, opinions poured in.

READ MORE: Systembolaget’s new change – the staff must not do that

Photo: Screenshot Facebook/Systembolaget Customers’ criticism of Systembolaget’s change

The reason why the customers are now having their say is, among other things, because there are details that many people seem to get hung up on. Many people think that the new clothes are ugly and seem warm to work in.

“The last collection was better. This is similar to the clothes I wore when I worked at the company. Shabby and not at all nice. Spend more money on remodeling the stores,” writes a customer who is also a former employee.

“Not a nice green color in the picture anyway. Good if they are comfortable to work in,” writes another.

A third customer instead believes that Systembolaget’s move to publish the information in social media is reminiscent of former East Germany.

“It feels a little GDR to have to do ‘advertisement’ for something as obvious as comfortable work clothes”.

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Photo: Screenshot Facebook/Systembolaget

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Photo: Screenshot Facebook/Systembolaget

Others, however, are more inclined in the positive direction and highlight the good service customers are offered in the stores.

“In any case, Systemet’s staff are the nicest and most service-oriented in any trade. Seems to be the same wherever you go. A pure pleasure to visit,” writes a satisfied customer.

“Systembolaget is a very reviled institution. Personally, I think it’s a fantastic establishment. An incredibly large and varied assortment, knowledgeable staff and parts of the profit that go to the state treasury, that is, to you and me. Hooray for Systembolaget,” exclaims another happy customer.

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Photo: Screenshot Facebook/Systembolaget
