The Financial Times announces its support for the Labor Party in the British general election | News in brief

The Financial Times, The Economist and the Sunday Times have said that they support the Labor Party in the British parliamentary elections.

16:17•Updated 16:19

The Financial Times has become the latest influential newspaper to announce its support for the Labor Party in the British general elections. Earlier, The Economist and Sunday Times announced their support.

– The conservatives have driven off the road. Labor must be given a chance to govern, the Financial Times wrote in its editorial on Monday.

– The voters seem to have decided that the time of the conservatives is over after 14, often turbulent years and five prime ministers.

The Financial Times writes that the years of the conservatives have been colored by the economic crisis, the corona pandemic and the inflation caused by Russia’s war of aggression. However, in its view, the conservatives have caused their own destruction.

The British general election will take place on Thursday, July 4. Opinion polls promise a crushing defeat for the conservative party.

Source: AFP
