The driver of the civilian car that crashed with Sebastien Ogier has died | Sports in a nutshell

Sebastien Ogier made a handsome winning record overtook his

The 69-year-old civilian car driver who crashed with Sebastien Ogier on Tuesday before the World Rally Championship in Poland has died. The driver managed to be discharged from the hospital after the accident.

15:49•Updated 16:11

Sebastien Ogier’s the 69-year-old driver of the civilian car that crashed with him before the World Rally Championship in Poland has died, reports the Pole TVN24 news channel. The driver died at home on Saturday when his condition suddenly worsened. Currently, the authorities are investigating the connection between the death and the crash.

The accident happened a week ago on Tuesday, when the eight-time rally world champion Ogier crashed with a local civilian motorist in a traffic jam. The accident happened near the village of Wlosty in northern Poland.

After the accident, Ogier and the 69-year-old Polish man driving the civilian car were taken to the hospital by helicopter. The driver of the civilian car was discharged from the hospital almost immediately, as he had no injuries that required hospital treatment, says the spokesperson of the Polish police Tomasz Markowski.

After the accident, the French driver Ogier stayed in the hospital for one night under the supervision of a doctor.

Ogier’s map reader Vincent Landais and the person in the other car was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
