Ica’s big change with the ATMs

Icas big change with the ATMs

In recent years, several Ica stores have been hit by thefts. An Ica trader who has been badly exposed is Magnus Törnlund, who runs Ica Borgen at Tågaborg in Helsingborg.

In the past four years, his shop has lost over two million kroner in stolen goods.


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It is mainly meat that has been stolen from the store. It is not something that is unique to Magnus Törnlund’s Ica store. News24 has on several occasions written about various meat thefts from Ica that took place in several places in the country.

But the recurring thefts finally became unsustainable and Magnus Törnlund felt he needed to act to put an end to it all.

– All responsibility lies with the customer to charge for their goods and it is very easy to “forget” to charge for an item when they scan at the cash register, says store owner Magnus Törnlund to SVT News.


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Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / The TTIca store is not closing its ATMs for good

The solution was therefore to permanently remove all cash registers.

According to Swedish Trade security barometer 2023 thefts in the grocery trade have been increasing significantly recently.

Magnus Törnlund believes that it is sad that honest and law-abiding customers are affected by the decision, but believes that it is the only way.

– You want that offer to the customer, that it should go quickly and smoothly, but unfortunately the customers who take care of themselves are affected by this, he says to SVT News.

READ MORE: The ICA store gives away free coffee to all customers
