Polifin: new entries in the Board of Directors, managerialization accelerates

Polifin new entries in the Board of Directors managerialization accelerates

(Telestock) – The POLIFIN Assemblythe family’s financial and industrial holding company Bosatelli which controls GEWISS, COSTIM and CHORUS LIFE, approved a new organizational structure and appointed two new members of the board of directors, continuing the managerialization process started in recent years by the president Fabio Bosatelliensuring sustainable development of all the group’s business areas.

The new structure – explains the note – identifies two distinct areas: industrial and real estate holdings and family offices.

Paolo Cervini, CEO of GEWISS, now also takes on the role of CEO of the industrial and real estate holdings area of ​​the POLIFIN group, with the aim of giving further impetus to the subsidiaries CHORUS LIFE and COSTIM, a path already started with the entry of Davide Albertini Petroni as CEO. Massimo Tivegna will serve as CEO of the holding’s family office. He will also join the board of directors Nicodemo Pezzella, CFO of GEWISS, who now also takes on the role of CFO of the POLIFIN Group. Vice President confirmed on the Board of Directors Giovanna Terzi Bosatelli and the councilors Gabriele Galateri di Genola and Armando Santus.

In the new organizational structure, Sergio Rubini, corporate & legal affairs director of GEWISS, and Simone Capoferri, corporate chief human resources & organization officer of GEWISS, will also hold the same roles in the POLIFIN group.

President Fabio Bosatelli strongly desired this new strategic and organizational approach to strengthen the governance and market position of the POLIFIN group, improving the operational and financial efficiency of all subsidiary companies.
