Competition Authority fined Canon Eurasia 38 million TL

Competition Authority fined Canon Eurasia 38 million TL

The long-running investigation has concluded. Competition Authorityannounced that they imposed a fine of 38 million TL on Canon Eurasia.

The statement made by the Competition Authority on this subject includes the following: was given: “According to the Report and Additional Opinion regarding the investigation carried out in accordance with the Board decision dated 11.05.2023 and numbered 23-21/411-M, the evidence collected, written defenses, statements made at the oral defense meeting and the scope of the file examined, 1- By determining the resale price of Canon branded products by Canon Eurasia Imaging and Office Systems Inc., Article 4 of the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition has been violated, 2- Therefore, Canon Eurasia Imaging ve Ofis Sistemleri A. In accordance with the third paragraph of the article and the first paragraph of the 7th article, the second paragraph and the second paragraph of the first paragraph of the 5th article of the Regulation on Fines to be Imposed in Case of Agreements Limiting Competition Concerted Actions and Decisions and Abuse of Dominant Position. At a certain rate of the gross income of 2023 An administrative fine of 38,300,958.83 TL was imposed at discretion. “The decision was made by MAJORITY VOTE, with judicial remedies open to Ankara Administrative Courts within 60 days from the notification of the reasoned decision.”

