FS Group, a humanitarian aid train for Ukraine

FS Group a humanitarian aid train for Ukraine

(Finance) – A humanitarian aid train for Ukraine loaded with medicines, food And clothing it will depart from the Prato Interport and will head towards the border between Poland and Ukraine to bring comfort to Ukrainian citizens. The FS Group with his company Mercitalia has made available the freight train which will depart on 8 April.

“The consideration of 30 enormous trucks will travel by rail through Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland to reach 20 kilometers from Lviv, bringing the refugees who have reached the border those kinds of needs requested and identified in collaboration with the Ukrainian Embassy”, we read on FS News the information portal of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group.

The initiative was made possible thanks to the joint action of Tuscany regionDepartment Civil protection, Municipality of Prato, Interport of Central Tuscany and FS Italiane Groupthat with Mercitalia Rail has made available “a train 300 meters long, made up of 15 wagons, capable of transporting about 800 tons of humanitarian aid, food, medicines, clothing divided into 45 pallets per wagon”.

“In line with the spirit of solidarity that has always distinguished the FS Italiane Group, we have accepted the request from the institutions for the organization of this train” commented the representative of the FS Group, Stefano Mansani, manager of Mercitalia who took part this morning in the presentation conference of the initiative held by the Tuscany Region, illustrating the characteristics of the train and the service that will be performed. “From the Prato Interport, the train will reach Poland after stopping in Verona where further kinds of comfort and help are being collected and we will transport them to their destination. We would like to thank the foreign partners of the countries crossed: Rail cargo Austria, CD Cargo Czech Republic and PKP in Poland who made themselves available immediately “.

“The mayors are mobilizing, even voluntary organizations,” explained the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Gianiunderlining that “the whole region is moving to be able to fill the train with the most authentic gesture of solidarity”.
