In Gaza, the piles of waste are growing because there is no waste management | News in brief

Israeli sanctions prevent waste from being transported to landfills.

Along with the war, the waste problem is also growing in Gaza, because the area’s waste management is almost non-functional.

For example, in central Gaza, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians live in tent camps with no waste management. According to UNRWA, the UN organization helping the Palestinians, around 100,000 tons of waste have accumulated next to the tent camp.

Rotting waste increases the risk of communicable diseases. At the same time, their smell worsens the refugees’ living conditions in hot weather.

UNRWA managed Gaza’s waste management before the war, but Israel now prevents the main landfills from being emptied. This leads to the creation of temporary waste piles, an UNRWA employee tells the news agency Reuters. And even if Israel were to allow the waste to be transported away, it would not be possible because there is no fuel for the waste trucks due to the Israeli blockade.

Source: Reuters
