Location: Sultanbeyli! It was forgotten in his body at birth, they noticed it 10 months later! The unfortunate woman said, “I came back from the dead”

Location Sultanbeyli It was forgotten in his body at birth

Frangiz Ergashova, who lives in Ümraniye, Istanbul, went into labor in a private hospital to give birth to her son at 34 weeks in July last year. Frangiz Ergashova, who was born by cesarean section, was discharged from the hospital 2 days later. Ergashova, who thought that pain in her abdomen after birth was normal during the puerperal period, applied to the hospital with the complaint of ongoing pain approximately 3 months later. Explaining the difficulties she experienced in the hospital she went to, Ergashova received the answer from the doctor: ‘You may be constipated.’

Although Frangiz Ergashova persistently stated that she was in pain, she left the hospital after the doctor prescribed antibiotics. Ergashova fed her child formula, which she could not breastfeed due to the antibiotics she took for a long time. Ergashova, whose pain continued to increase, applied to a different hospital last May. Ergashova, who explained her complaints to the doctor, was asked to have a tomography scan. Looking at the CT scan, the doctor noticed that Ergashova had a foreign body in the left side of the abdomen. After the results, the object in Ergashova’s abdomen was removed by surgery 10 months later.

Ergashova’s husband, Serkan Demir, said, “We are uneasy, our child did not grow up well, my wife needs plastic surgery, her psychology is damaged. We suffered a lot against the hospitals. We filed a lawsuit and the process is currently continuing.”


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After the checks at the hospital and the CT scan, Frangiz Ergashova was taken into surgery. After the surgery, it was revealed that there was a 15-centimeter-sized gauze in Ergashova’s abdomen, which was forgotten after birth. Frangiz Ergashova learned that negligence caused the pain she had been experiencing for 10 months. The family, who said that their son, whom they named Umut Can, remained in the incubator for 12 days after birth, stated that his condition is now good and filed a complaint against the hospital and the doctor.


Explaining the difficult process they went through, Ergashova’s husband Serkan Demir said, “My wife was 34 weeks pregnant, we went to the hospital for a check-up and they registered us. It was a private hospital. The doctor examined my wife and said, ‘The birth has started, the child is already 36-37 weeks old. There is an opening, urgent delivery. “We need to get it,” he said. My wife was not in any pain. I hurriedly came home and took my wife’s clothes. At that time, my wife was taken into surgery.


They said the child had shortness of breath and needed to be incubated immediately. First, we need to register and pay the fee. So I quickly registered. I saw the child, he was purple at the time, and I saw him again in the incubator 3 hours later. They set a figure for his diary, a high amount, but as they said, the child could not breathe. She was born at 34 weeks and he told us she was 36-37 weeks. After lying in the incubator for 9 days, they asked me to deposit the entire money.

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I was a little stuck in that process and borrowed money left and right. They wanted me to pay the full amount so that the child could be released. They left the child on the 12th day. During that period, I was going to Sultanbeyli every day, my wife was pumping milk and I was taking milk. The child had jaundice, this time we took him to a hospital in Ümraniye. He was checked and drug treatment was administered. It took about a month to heal. We are uneasy, our child did not grow up well, my wife needs plastic surgery, her psychology is broken. We suffered a lot against hospitals. We filed a lawsuit and the process is currently ongoing.

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We will do our best, we got hurt so we don’t want anyone else to get hurt. We went to the chief physician and they offered us 300 thousand liras for the surgery and child expenses. They said this issue should be closed here. 4-5 people before us filed a lawsuit against the hospital. There is some carelessness and irresponsibility in the hospital. “We request the Ministry of Health to prevent this.”


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Speaking on the subject, mother Farangiz Ergashova said, “My pains started, there was a constant discharge, I thought it might be normal after giving birth. It was my second birth. It has been 2-3 months and it is still continuing and I am not well, my back hurts. Then my husband took me to the hospital and I explained the same thing to him at the hospital. I said I felt a foreign body, there was a weight, they said you might be constipated. They prescribed me antibiotics. I couldn’t breastfeed my child because the medication was antibiotics and we constantly fed him formula. I couldn’t look after my children because I was in pain.

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We went to another hospital, I told him about the stiffness, a CT scan was taken, they said you need surgery. During the surgery, something like a bandage came out and it became inflamed. They said there is a 15 cm bandage. I walked around with a bandage, it was inflamed inside me. My two children could be left without a mother. “I can say that I almost died,” he said. The hospital management did not respond to the allegations. (DHA)

