Borsa Italiana strike, for unions “broad participation”. Euronext: open dialogue

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(Finance) – The first strike in the history of the Italian Stock Exchange Group (part of the group Euronext) “he saw abroad membershipwith significant peaks especially in technological services”, and was characterized by “empty offices, switched off terminals and phones ringing in vain”. This was stated by the unions, after the two-hour stoppage that took place yesterday from 3:30 pm to the end of the shift.

“Despite the most advanced technologies, the company has seen firsthand what it means to have to give up, even for two hours, the most precious value it can have and which cannot be listed on any price list: its employees”, we read in a note from Fabi, First Cisl and Fisac ​​Cgil.

The trade unions “reiterate their demands on wages, working hours, employment, governance and industrial relations, and, thanks to the support received from the workerscall on the company and all the actors involved to provide their responsible contribution for a positive resolution of the dispute”.

The strike was induced due to the lack of guarantees for the employment stability of the group’s workers, the closure of the company does not correspond to the absorption of the ad personam provided for by the national collective labor agreement, for awork organization which now sees the usual use of overtime and, finally, the progressive loss of directional autonomy of the group.

“We respect the decision of our colleagues who have chosen to participate in the strike called by the unions, and we thank them for the composure they have shown – said Euronext – We want to reassure them that maintaining an open and constructive dialogue remains a priority for us. Our people are a fundamental component of Euronext’s success not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. For this reason, we intend to do everything possible to further improve the quality of the discussion and find the best possible solutions with the union representatives of each company”.

“Our workforce in Italy has increased by over 100 units in recent years – added the pan-European financial group – Italy is at the heart of Euronext’s main growth projects, as demonstrated by the investment in our common Optiq platform, the relocation of our data center to Bergamo, the internalization of our technology and the expansion of our Settlement and Clearing activities across Europe”.

The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy (MIMIT), on the recommendation of Minister Adolfo Urso, has in recent days summoned For Wednesday 3 July at 13:15, at Palazzo Piacentini, the representatives of the trade unions belonging to the staff of Borsa Italiana. After the meeting with the trade unions, the ministry will also call the representatives of Borsa Italiana in the following week.
