NPL Directive, Gardant-Luiss School of Law: “New crisis market to support companies in difficulty”

NPL Directive Gardant Luiss School of Law New crisis market to

(Finance) – Gardant and Luiss School of Law have inaugurated today the third edition of “The States General of NPEs – Credit management between rules and the market”. The event, held this morning at the University Campus, hosted a debate on the trends of the Italian NPE market and the evolution of the regulatory context. The results of the discussion will be included in a position paper soon to be published among the documents of the Non-Performing Exposure market observatory established at the Luiss School of Law.

According to what emerges from the Observatory’s work, the NPL (Non Performing Loans) sector is undergoing a significant change, influenced by Directive (EU) 2021/2167 and its implementation: the regulation aims to reduce the flow of bad debts and make the market more efficient, encouraging the creation of specialized entities, especially in managing relationships between companies in crisis and the banking system; these intermediaries will help mitigate the negative effects of economic difficulties, giving shape to a sustainable “crisis market”.

Antonio Nuzzo, director of the Luiss School of Law
And Flavio Valeri president of the Gardant Group opened the proceedings and introduced the topic. After the video intervention of Federico Freni, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Financewhich underlined the value and need to protect competition in the non-performing loan market, Mirko Briozzo, CEO of the Gardant Group, Gian Luca Santi CFO and Deputy General Director of BPER, And Matteo Coppola, senior partner and managing director of BCGthey discussed the topic “The Italian market and the competitive context”. Subsequently, a second round table on “The Italian market and the regulatory context” saw the participation of Ida Mercanti (deputy head of the banking and financial supervision department of the Bank of Italy), Paul Lock (Professor of Practice at the Luiss School of Law) and Vincenzo DeSensi (Director of the course NPE Management: Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks and Operational Approaches at the Luiss School of Law).

“The non-performing credit market – he declared Valeri – is on the eve of a moment of important changes, driven by an evolution of the sector linked to new needs and stresses and by a regulatory context that is changing rapidly. In this scenario, the Gardant and Luiss School of Law Observatory is able to collect data and above all extrapolate evidence on the credit market in Italy, useful for sector operators to interpret this moment of transformation”.

“The dynamics of a mature market – he observed Nuzzo – sees a trend reduction in the flow of new bad loans and the emergence of other requests, in addition to that of stabilization of the banking system, such as debtor protection and the efficiency of restructuring and recovery systems, which have contributed to raising the quality of interaction between operators”.
