“Hungary needs money” – the researcher predicts a suitable performance from the future EU presidency country | Foreign countries

Hungary needs money the researcher predicts a suitable performance

According to the docent of political history, Viktor Orbán expects to receive more support for his policies with the French and Austrian elections.

Hungary wants to present itself as a compromiser, at least at the beginning of its EU presidency, assesses the docent of political history Katalin Miklóssy from the University of Helsinki.

– Hungary is starting to apply for an agreement because Hungary needs money.

Miklóssy, who specializes in the long-term rule of law development in Eastern Central Europe, comments on the topic in aam and Ykkösaamu. According to him, Hungary’s money shortage is related to the fact that the subsidies belonging to Hungary have been frozen due to the rule of law procedure.

Two weeks ago, the EU court fined Hungary 200 million euros because the country has not changed its immigration laws that violate EU law. In addition, Hungary must pay a fine of one million euros every day until it changes its immigration policy.

Hungary’s eyes are on autumn

Hungary will hold the presidency of the EU Council at the beginning of July. The Council consists of ministers from EU countries, and its chairmanship changes every six months.

According to Miklóssy, Hungary’s eyes are currently on the autumn, because the elections in France and Austria are coming soon. The election results affect the composition of the EU Council.

– This all means that Hungary would have more support for the policy it really wants to push forward, such as preventing illegal immigration.

Hungary has also opposed Ukraine’s EU membership aspirations. The researcher does not believe that the matter will progress during the Hungarian presidency.

– It is clear that Hungary will also cross paths with all statements condemning Russia or try to water down future sanctions, Miklóssy estimates.

The leaders will meet in Brussels today and tomorrow

Today and tomorrow the leaders of the EU countries have an important meeting in Brussels. There are big things on the table, such as appointments to the Union’s top leadership positions and supporting Ukraine.

The political leaders of the EU countries recently reached an agreement on filling the EU’s high posts. The decision on the management trio is to be made at the summit in Brussels starting on Thursday.

According to the agreement, a German would continue as chairman of the commission Ursula von der Leyenthe former Prime Minister of Portugal is becoming President of the European Council António Costa and the Prime Minister of Estonia, who appointed the High Representative as the director responsible for EU external relations Kaja Kallas.
