the Covid-19 epidemic is still very active

the Covid 19 epidemic is still very active

In France, the Covid-19 epidemic is overshadowed by the war in Ukraine and the imminence of the presidential election. However, it is still very active, and still on the rise since the beginning of March 2022. There are around 140,000 daily cases on average; new hospital admissions are also increasing, and there are approximately 100 deaths per day.

End of the obligation to wear a mask, relaxation of barrier gestures, and a sub-lineage of Omicron called “BA2” more contagious than its cousin “BA1” which dominated at the start of the year, here are some elements explaining this epidemic rebound. who does not run out of steam. In mainland France, almost all departments exceed an incidence rate of 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

A virus that spreads with ease

Young people aged 10-19 and those in their fifties are the most affected; the virus probably spreading with ease in classrooms before reaching parents. This very high circulation of the coronavirus is not without consequences for hospital admissions. Admittedly, the vaccination coverage of the population and the possible lower virulence of Omicron dampen this effect, but the number of new admissions has increased since mid-March.

Immunocompromised people particularly at risk

A total of 85% of serious cases are people with co-morbidities such as obesity, diabetes or hypertension. And, note that immunocompromised people, in whom the vaccine is little or not effective, are particularly exposed. As for the number of deaths, it remains at a high level: more than 100 per day. Since the start of the year, 18,000 people have succumbed to Covid-19. The epidemic is far from over.

Read also: France: anti-vaccine figures meet in Marseille for a controversial symposium
