This feminine first name, extremely rare in France, is nevertheless popular in Russia (it evokes peace)

This feminine first name extremely rare in France is nevertheless

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty


    Some parents attach great importance to the meaning of the first name chosen for their future child. This feminine first name which evokes peace should please them!

    “Am I aware of its etymological meaning? Does it have a positive impact?”, here are two essential questions (according to the authors of the book L’Officiel des Prénoms – First Editions) to ask when future parents draw up a list of favorite first names. Know that the answer to these types of simple questions can guide your choice process. It’s better to discuss it as a couple to progress in your approach and not skip steps. Doctissimo has chosen to highlight a first name evoking peace (perfect in these unstable times). Find out.

    Orina, a first name of Greek origin

    Orina means “peace” in Greek. This extremely rare first name in France (less than 30 people have this first name) is particularly widespread in Russia. It could therefore appeal to future parents with dual nationality or those who would be attracted by the originality and rarity. Future parents who value etymology and meaning may also find this name ideal for their future little girl.

    In terms of characterology, we attribute to little Orina communication, resolution, practical sense, adaptation and enthusiasm.

    Other names evoke peace

    If the meaning around peace is important for future parents. Other first names echo balance and appeasement. This is particularly the case for the first names Alfreda and Elfie (or Elfy) which mean “noble peace” (Germanic), Axelle which means “My father is peace” in Hebrew, Frederica (Fréderique or Frida) which means “power of peace” in Germanic. The first names Iréna, Irène, Irénée, Iriana and Irina also evoke peace in Greek. As for the first name Lina, its etymology speaks of a messenger of peace. The first name Malia also means peace in Hawaiian, enough to take you on a journey! The name Paz means “peace” in Spanish. Moreover, in Spain, Paz refers to the Virgin of Peace. Better known, the first name Salomé evokes peace in Hebrew. In the Germanic language, the first name Sigrid also means peace. The name Yen means peace in Vietnamese. Enough to inspire many future parents.

    The top rare and sweet boy names

    Slide: The top rare and sweet boy names
