Valérie Pécresse wants to do battle with Emmanuel Macron

Valerie Pecresse wants to do battle with Emmanuel Macron

After her designation as the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse launched her campaign at a public meeting at Mutualité in Paris, this Saturday, December 11. In front of the party’s executives and all its competitors in the primary, the president of the Île-de-France region set the tone for a campaign well to the right and against Emmanuel Macron.

With Valérie Gas, of the RFI Policy Department

I have good news: the right is back! »Valérie Pécresse announces the color from the first words. And on the strength of an entry into the campaign which allowed her to jump in the polls, she points to her opponent: ” The French have understood it, it will be Emmanuel Macron or us!

Emmanuel Macron in sight, the candidate of the Republicans tried to show her difference with the president of ” and at the same time “:” To win, no zig-zag. I am a Gaullist, liberal and social, my right is frank and my project is radical, because the situation in the country requires it.

“I also came to talk to you about tenderness”

And then Valérie Pécresse supports where it hurts right-wing voters, recalling Emmanuel Macron’s words on colonization in Algeria: ” Emmanuel Macron is guilty of having accused our country of having committed a crime against humanity. a president should never say that.

Facing him, Valérie Pécresse plays the “woman card” and gives her project an unexpected touch of softness: ” I also came to talk to you about tenderness. Reweaving our solidarity, focusing our attention on the most vulnerable, is more than a political project, it is a life project.

Promising tenderness and protection is also how Valérie Pécresse hopes to seduce the French.

