A must have at the iftar table! Foods that meet water needs

Cucumber diet that makes you lose 8 kilos in 2

Muslims, who will perform fasting with the month of Ramadan, are looking for ways to minimize thirst. In this blessed month when the feeling of empathy rises, the foods we consume at sahur and iftar are critical.


Contrary to the fact that eating extremely salty meals increases the feeling of thirst, consuming foods with high water content such as cucumbers will help meet the need for water. During Ramadan, this year, 15 hours of fasting will be observed on average, with slight differences according to the provinces.

So which foods have the highest water value? Which foods prevent thirst? What fruits and vegetables are high in water? Here are 10 foods that will prevent you from feeling thirsty…


Cucumber contains 95 percent water in its content. Therefore, it is a very useful vegetable in terms of replacing the lost fluid in the summer heat.

Melon can be counted among the indispensables of Ramadan tables with its 90 percent water content, being a good source of potassium and vitamin C.

Tomato saves cells from water loss with its 95 percent water content. In addition, the amount of lycopene in tomatoes increases more when cooked and broken down. Therefore, consumption of tomato juice during Ramadan is very beneficial for body health.

Strawberry, which is very rich in vitamin C, has more than 90 percent water in its content.

Yogurt contains 80 percent water. It also prevents constipation, which can be caused by thirst for a long time, with the beneficial bacteria it contains.

The water content of watermelon is 92 percent. The cooling watermelon should be consumed in measured portions.

Pepper contains plenty of vitamins A and C. Again, the amount of water in its content is more than 90 percent.


Zucchini also stands out with its rich water content. It is one of the vegetables that contain more than 90 percent water in its structure.

Lettuce contains, on average, 95 percent water. In this regard, consuming lettuce in summer significantly prevents the body’s water loss. The light green color of the lettuce, which is also very rich in vitamin C, contains more water.

Containing more than 90% water in its content, lemon is a good alternative that quenches thirst.

