a three-way debate overshadowed by the Bardella/Attal duel

a three way debate overshadowed by the BardellaAttal duel

The first televised debate of this very short legislative campaign took place on TF1 on Tuesday June 25. Debate between the three main opposing blocs: the far-right alliance, the presidential coalition and the New Popular Front. Jordan Bardella for the National Rally, Gabriel Attal, the Prime Minister, and Manuel Bompard, coordinator of France Insoumise. A three-way debate overshadowed by a duel.

2 mins

It’s a duel between Jordan Bardella And Gabriel Attal which Manuel Bompard seemed to want to bypass for 90 minutes. The Prime Minister attacks the boss of the RN on the very vague costing of his program. “ How do you finance? How much does it cost and how do you finance it? », Asked the Prime Minister insistently.

Jordan Bardella responds by criticizing the government’s record: “ You are giving lessons in budgetary seriousness when you today have the largest debt in value in the euro zone. » Then attacks the left: “ You lie to the French and you are a social scam », Launched the president of the National Rally.

Read alsoAttal-Bompard-Bardella debate: “The impact on voters’ decisions is generally minimal”

I find it dramatic that today, you are in the shoes of your political ancestors »

The rebellious Manuel Bompard is accumulating speaking time delays. But the representative of the New Popular Front seized the opportunity when the subject of immigration came to address Jordan Bardella.

For example, one in ten workers in this country is a migrant worker. Rather than systematically denigrating them, you should thank them », declared Manuel Bompard.

You know, there are 19 million French people who have a foreign ancestor. That’s almost one in four French people. I must tell you, Mr. Bardella, that when your personal ancestors arrived in France, I believe that your political ancestors said precisely the same thing that you are saying today. And I find it dramatic that today, you are in the shoes of your political ancestors of the time…

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise, during the debate organized on TF1 with Jordan Bardella and Gabriel Attal

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: voting instructions, withdrawal, the parties are already preparing the second round

I hope you will pack your boxes quickly »

The tone ends up rising between the boss of the RN and the Prime Minister. “ I hope you will quickly pack your boxes because you are not at the level of the position you occupy », asserted Jordan Bardella. “ I see that you are uncomfortable defending your proposals », replied Gabriel Attal.

The Prime Minister, accused in recent days of concentrating his attacks on the New Popular Front, has visibly tried in this debate to restore the balance.
