Is the Amersfoort snack bar allowed to make Groningen snack delicacies? ‘It is cultural heritage’

Is the Amersfoort snack bar allowed to make Groningen snack

Kuil’s Groningen snack bar makes about 150 egg balls every week. “It is very difficult and involves many steps. We first make the ragout, then we make a ball with an ice cream scoop, and then we put the egg in it,” she says. Frying specialist Ubel Zuiderveld, comes from Groningen and calls himself ‘fritoricus’. He knows that an egg ball is indeed difficult to make and export. “You can’t freeze it. Then the boiled egg makes it a snotty and dirty mess. It is a difficult product to get through wholesalers. It is not delivered frozen like a frikandel or croquette.”
