Did a fire destroy a military engineering company in Moscow? | News in brief

Did a fire destroy a military engineering company in Moscow

The building had housed a company that produced parts for the needs of the Russian armed forces. However, it is not known whether the company still operates in the same building.

In the evening, a fire raged in the Frjazin district in the northeast of Moscow, destroying a large office and industrial building. Tells about the fire news agency Tass.

Eight people died in the fire. Two of them had tried to escape by jumping from the roof of the burning house. According to the authorities, the cause of the fire was a fault in electrical equipment, as a result of which, for example, oxygen tanks exploded.

The building housed the offices of dozens of companies. One of the companies was Platan Research Company, which was on the US embargo list.

According to the Russian newspaper Kommersant, Platan Research supplied parts for aircraft, missiles, long-range probes and anti-aircraft systems of the Russian Armed Forces.

Platan Research’s parent company Ruselectronics denies that the fire affected the company’s operations. Russian independent newspapers also report that Platan Research had recently moved its operations to a neighboring building.

Source: AP
