Reduced tax for four million Swedes – are you one of them?

Reduced tax for four million Swedes are you one

Everything points to the government’s tax reduction for those with shares and funds in the ISK account going to the finish line. This means that savers can already avoid tax on holdings up to a value of SEK 300,000 at the turn of the year.

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The online brokers are cheering

One who welcomes the proposal is Philip Scholtzésavings economist at Avanza.

– Thanks to ISK, Swedish savers avoid the tax lock-in effects that a normal share and fund account entails. With greater mobility, competition in the financial market increases when customers can choose to move their money where they feel best, he adds News24.

He thinks that saving should be encouraged. But in terms of taxation, it is currently borrowing that is encouraged because you do not have to pay tax on borrowed money.

– That the state subsidizes loans rather than savings is backwards. Savings should be rewarded before loans. ISK has made saving a popular sport with its low and flat taxes. But the deterioration of recent years has created uncertainty for the future. Finally, there is a proposal that favors the breadth of continuing to save on ISK, says Philip Scholtzé.

The proposal: Reduced tax for 3.9 million Swedes

For years, the government has flagged for a tax break for savers in ISK and endowment insurance.

Last week, Nyheter24 wrote about the tax reform that could affect 3.9 million Swedes have the savings form, and the most common saver, seen from the median, has a capital of SEK 74,000.

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74,000 on average

According to the 2024 tax table, a saver with 74,000 in the ISK account will pay 777 kroner in tax on his capital. But if the tax cut is locked in, you will avoid it.

But the average Swede does not actually have a savings account. That’s why the left-wing debaters like it Today’s Arena that it is wrong to lower taxes for those who are already better off.

“The proposal is estimated to cost SEK 7 billion and takes money from the common welfare, while the tax cut only benefits the already well-off in society,” they write.

And there are significantly fewer who hit the ceiling when it comes to the proposal. But those who have SEK 300,000 or more in their savings account get SEK 3,150 in tax reduction on the ISK account.

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Seven billion

The cost of the tax cut is assumed to be around SEK 7 billion a year.

But the benefits are more than the disadvantages, they say Timber bridge.

“The united left rages as usual against ordinary people getting the chance to acquire their own financial buffer,” writes Caroline Dahlman.

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